Why is My Testosterone Low?

Chocolate, ice cream, soda, beer, and so many other sugar filled treats would not seem to be a dangerous indulgence. Particularly not if you’re looking at your sex drive.  But if you find yourself asking “why is my testosterone low?”, you may want to check your diet.

“Why Is My Testosterone Low?”

Sugar? Really?

Several studies have been conducted on the effect that sugar has on the body. Some of the more recent were published in Sugar Shock! How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life.

While Connie Bennett addresses all areas of life, she includes information on a number of different ways that sugar has been connected to various problems relating to testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction. Even the National Health Society has reported that high blood sugar levels can actually result in the inability to even feel the penis, let alone become erect.

Testosterone levels are likewise thrown out of balance as the blood sugar levels wreak havoc with the sex hormones and their ability to provide the necessary support.

Change Your Diet Now

So what’s the first thing that you need to do? Change your diet. Get the sugar out now and get active.

A protein high in lean proteins and cruciferous vegetables are some of the best choices when you’re trying to replenish low testosterone. Mackerel, salmon, and sardines are excellent selections, although these are best when purchased fresh rather than canned.

The Journal of Nutrition reported that consumption of 3 ounces of fresh fish four or five times a week can help to balance out your testosterone levels and provide sufficient levels of fatty acids and zinc for your testosterone. Eggs are another excellent choice for evening out your testosterone levels. Broccoli and kale are also good choices for keeping your blood sugar levels even.

Start Exercising

If you are not working out regularly, then you need to start. Working out in functional and strong exercise groupings can help you to heighten your testosterone levels. According to research at the Mayo Clinic, this is not enough if you do it alone while eating high sugary treats, indulging in alcohol, and sitting around most of the rest of the time.

Exercises are most effective for boosting testosterone levels in the evening since it heightens testosterone at a time when they are generally at their lowest.

The Mayo Clinic’s research also indicates that strength training exercises are the most important. To get the biggest boost, you need to use as many muscle groups at one time as you can rather than focusing on a single muscle group.

It’s also important to have shorter rest periods. It can be difficult to know what you should do. Fortunately, you can get everything worked out for you in advance so that you can know what you should be doing and what muscles to be working by checking online.

Get Sleep

Studies funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute discovered that even skipping out on a couple hours of sleep can result in sharp drops in testosterone. When paired with a high sugar diet and limited exercise, it creates feelings of lethargy and sluggishness that can be difficult to push against throughout the day.

You may not have to have eight hours of sleep at night. You’ll have to find out the amount you need to function clearly.

All three of these things are important components to combating certain forms of erectile dysfunction and low testosterone levels. The good news is that you can start doing these things right away.

You may not notice an improvement for a couple weeks, but as your health improves, so will your testosterone levels.


Connie Bennett, Sugar Shock! How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life (2007).

“Erectile Dysfunction,” National Health Society, http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Erectile-dysfunction/Pages/Causes.aspx (2013).

A. Prasad, “Zinc Status and Serum Testosterone Levels of Healthy Adults,” Journal of Nutrition (May 1996).

Eric Metcalf, MPH, “Does Working Out Affect Testosterone Levels?” Mayo Clinic, http://men.webmd.com/features/exercise-and-testosterone (2012).

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